Libri Lab

A post-doctoral position is open in our team « Metabolism and function of nuclear RNA » at the Institut Jacques Monod (CNRS / Université de Paris, Paris, France) for a dynamic and enthusiastic post-doc ready to share with us the thrill of understanding the fundamental mechanisms underlying gene expression and genome maintenance. Our team studies the molecular mechanisms of transcription and gene expression in general using yeast a model system. We are most particularly interested in non-coding, pervasive transcription, with a strong focus on the mechanisms of initiation and termination of transcription. In this framework we are also interested in the relationships between transcription and replication. We address these questions with biochemical, molecular biology and genomic approaches. The applicants should hold a PhD and have expertise in biochemistry, molecular biology and genomics. Basic knowledge of some bioinformatic tools (e.g. Galaxy) would be welcome. The successful candidate should be able to plan and execute a research project autonomously. She/He should be able to use the English language, but knowledge of French is not required.

The Institut Jacques Monod (IJM), located on the campus of the Paris left bank urban project, is one of the main centers of fundamental research in biology in France and offers a multidisciplinary research environment. The Institute brings together thirty research groups working on cell and developmental biology, biophysics and genomics. The postdoctoral researcher will benefit from an extremely stimulating scientific environment, and will have access to state-of-the-art core facilities (live-cell imaging, proteomics, genomics).
Contact : domenico.libri@ijm.fr
Twitter:@DomenicoLibri @LabLibri